Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Between-Xmas-and-New-Year's!'s some fruit to look at. Based on my last post being oh, 8 months ago, you'd think I haven't been drawing at all. I have. I just haven't been sharing.
I bought new pants today.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

TODAY ONLY: Two for One Special!

I drew the above on a drawing safari at the Museum of Nature last weeked. Though I didn't plan it that way, it was about a year from the last safari I went on. Interesting (but probably only to me).

Hey, a comic! I have more of these. They will make an appearance in the near future.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bus Adventures #2

This lady was a hoot. Missed my becoming-regular-Sunday-post this past weekend, as I went on a Drawing Safari downtown. I did a pretty sweet drawing of a dinosaur skeleton that I will likely scan and upload as a bonus post later on this week. Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bus Adventures #1

An actual real event that actually really happened. How about that.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Existential Snacking

This is up-to-the minute art, circa about 10 minutes ago. Art doesn't get much fresher than that, folks...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Eyes have it...

Here's a couple of eyeballs I drew, coloured the ol' fashioned way. On actual paper with actual coloured pencils! When I was done, I walked to the telegraph station (uphill both ways) and had it sent to the masses by way of that "Internet" doohickey...